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121 N300RT Wireless SSID password settings 2018-11-01 16:05

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus

Application introduction: The Wireless SSID and password are the basic information for you to connect Wi-Fi network. But sometimes you may forget or want to change them regularly, so here we will guide you how to check or modify the wireless SSID and password.


STEP-1: Enter the setup interface

Open a browser, enter Input User Name and password (default admin/admin) on login management interface, as follows:

Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


STEP-2: View or modify the wireless parameters

2-1. Check or modify in Easy Setup page.

Login management interface, first enter the Easy Setup interface, you can see wireless settings, as follows:


2-2. Check and modify In the Advanced Setup

If you also need to set more parameters for WiFi, you can enter the Advanced Setup interface to set up.


Set the SSID and password according to the following procedure.


You are also able to set the Channel Width, Date Rate, RF Output Power.


     Questions and Answers

Q1: Should I restart the router after setup wireless information?

A: After setting, you need to wait a few seconds for the wireless information to take effect.

122 A3002RU repeater settings 2018-11-01 11:57

     It is suitable for: A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to set repeater mode on TOTOLINK products.



Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note:The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.



Please go to Operation Mode ->Repteater Mode->wlan 2.4GHz or wlan 5GHz then Click Apply.



Firstly select Scan, then select host router’s SSID and input Password of the host router’s SSID, then select Change SSID and Possword to input SSID and Possword you want to fill in,then Click Next.



Then you can change Repeater SSID in 5GHz. As below steps input SSID and Possword you want to fill in to 5GHz,then Click Connect.


PS: After completing the above operation, please re-connect your SSID after 1 minute or so.if the Internet is available it means that the settings are successful.Otherwise,please re-set the settings again

123 A3002RU Wireless SSID password setting 2018-11-01 11:40

     It is suitable for: A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: The Wireless SSID and password are the basic information for you to connect Wi-Fi network. But sometimes you may forget or want to change them regularly, so here we will guide you how to check or modify the wireless SSID and password.


STEP-1: Enter the setup interface

Open a browser, enter Input User Name and password (default admin/admin) on login management interface, as follows:

Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


STEP-2: View or modify the wireless parameters

2-1. Check or modify in Easy Setup page.

Login management interface, first enter the Easy Setup interface, you can see 5G and 2.4G wireless settings, as follows:


2-2. Check and modify In the Advanced Setup

If you also need to set more parameters for WiFi, you can enter the Advanced Setup interface to set up.


Set the SSID and password according to the following procedure.


You are also able to set the Channel Width, Date Rate, RF Output Power.


     Questions and Answers

Q1: Should I restart the router after setup wireless information?

A: After setting, you need to wait a few seconds for the wireless information to take effect.

124 A3002RU Upgrade the software settings 2018-11-01 11:04

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to upgrade Firewall on the TOTOLINK products.


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.


STEP-3: Upgrade the software setting

Please go to System ->Upgrade Firmware page, and check which you have selected. Select Local Upgrade files, then Click Upgrade.

Then select Save/Reload Settings and click reset


Note: DO Reset the router to factory default settings by RST or RST/WPS button after firmware upgrading fineshed.

STEP-4: System reset

Please go to System->Save/Reload Settiings page, and check which you have selected.Then Click Reset.


Or please find the RST bottom in the box and use needle to press down the bottom more than five seconds.


125 A3002RU Reset settings 2018-11-01 10:54

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to reset TOTOLINK products to factory defaults.


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note:The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.


STEP-3: Login page reset

Please go to System->Save/Reload Settiings page, and check which you have selected. then Click Reset.


STEP-4: RST Button reset 

Please make sure your router’s power is on regularly, then press the RST button for about 5~8s.

Loosen the button until your router’s LED lights all flashing, then you have reset your router to default settings.


126 A3002RU PPPoE DHCP static IP settings 2018-11-01 10:39

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to configure Internet mode with PPPoE ,Static IP and DHCP for TOTOLINK products


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.


STEP-3.1.1: Easy Setup DHCP setting

The Easy Setup page will turn up for basic and quick setting,Select DHCP Client  as WANConnection Type, then Click Apply.


STEP-3.1.2: Advanced Setup DHCP setting

Please go to Network ->WAN Setting page, and check which you have selected.

Select DHCP Client as WAN Type, then Click Apply.


STEP-3.2.1: Easy Setup PPPOE setting

The Easy Setup page will turn up for basic and quick setting ,Select PPPoE as WAN Type and input your PPPoE username and password which are provided by your ISP. Then Click Apply


STEP-3.2.2: Advanced Setup PPPOE setting

Please go to Network ->WAN Setting page, and check which you have selected.

Select PPPoE as WAN Type and input your PPPoE username and password which are provided by your ISP. Then Click Apply


STEP-3.3.1: Easy Setup Static IP setting

The Easy Setup page will turn up for basic and quick setting,Selecting Static IP as WAN Connection Type and input your information about Static IP which you want to fill in .Then Click Apply


STEP-3.3.2: Advanced Setup Static IP setting

Please go to Network ->WAN Setting page, and check which you have selected.

Select Static IP as WAN Type and input your information about Static IP which you want to fill in .Then Click Apply


127 A3002RU Multiple SSID settings 2018-11-01 10:27

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to configure multiple SSID for TOTOLINK products.


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.



Please go to Wireless 2.4GHz ->Multiple SSID 1 page, and check which you have selected. Select Enable , then Input your own SSID and Pre-Shared Key, then Click Apply and repeat this operation to Multiple SSID 2Multiple SSID 3 and Multiple SSID 4



Please go to Wireless 5GHz ->Multiple SSID 1 page, and check which you have selected.

Select Enable , then Input your own SSID and Pre-Shared Key, then Click Apply and repeat this operation to Multiple SSID 2Multiple SSID 3 and Multiple SSID 4.


128 A3002RU MAC filter settings 2018-11-01 09:38

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to configure Wireless MAC Filtering on TOTOLINK router


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note:The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.



Please go to Firewall ->MAC filtering page, and check which you have selected.

Select Deny list, then Input MAC Address you want to restrain , then Click Apply.



Please go to Firewall ->MAC filtering page, and check which you have selected.

Select Allow list, then Input MAC Address you want to allow to surf the Internet and those you do not fill in will be restrained , then Click Apply.


Note: You need add items in this way one by one.

129 A3002RU IP filter settings 2018-11-01 09:30

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to configure IP Address and Port Filtering on TOTOLINK.


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.



Please go to Firewall ->IP/Port filtering page, and check which you have selected.Select Enable, then Input IP Address and Port Range you want to restrain , then Click Apply.



Please go to Firewall ->IP/Port filtering page, and check which you have selected.Select Enable, then Input IP Address and Port Range you want to restrain , then Click Apply.


130 A3002RU Change the WIFI password setting 2018-10-31 19:32

     It is suitable for: N100RE, N150RH, N150RT, N151RT, N200RE, N210RE, N300RT, N301RT , N300RH, N302R Plus, A702R, A850R, A3002RU

Application introduction: Solution about how to change the wireless name and password on the TOTOLINK products


Connect your computer to the router by cable or wireless, then login the router by entering into the address bar of your browser.


Note: The default access address varies depending on the actual situation. Please find it on the bottom label of the product.


User Name and Password are required, by default both are admin in lowercase letter. Click LOGIN.


STEP-3: Modify in Easy Setup page

The Easy Setup page will turn up for basic and quick setting,Input your own Wireless Network Name and Password, then Click Apply.


STEP-4: Modify In the Advanced Setup

Please go to Wireless ->Basic Setting page, and check which you have select. Select WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK, then Input your own Wireless Network Name and Password, then Click Apply.
